Event calendar 2015
Unveiling the commemorative plaque to Inha Lusiina Nyström
in the old churchyard on 11th January, 11.00
Coffee served in the parish hall. Journalist Maija Myllykangas tells about I.K. Inha’s sister Inha and the Nyström family, and Jaana Kallio presents the events of the commemorative year. Organised by the I.K. Inha commemorative committee and the Parish of Virrat. Free entrance.
The Photo & Camera fair on 6th – 8th March at the Messukeskus Expo and Convention Centre in Helsinki.
The Jäähdyspohja Village Association is represented by Juha Kallio on Friday the 6th and Saturday the 7th. I. K. Inha can be found in the department of the Finnish Photographic Historical Society.
Classic cameras in Balder Hall on 28th March, 10.00 - 16.00
Mannerheimintie 160 A Helsinki
Photographic instruments used by Inha, brochures about the commemorative year, examples from Inha’s literary works and collections of Inha’s photographs are on display at the event. Organised by the Finnish Photographic Historical Society.
I.K. Inha 150 Years Anniversary Exhibition on 3rd March – 25th April in Galleria Virinä (Pääskyntie 4).
Inha’s photographs, books and his life’s work are on display. Open 12.00 – 18.00 from Tuesday to Friday, 10.00 – 16.00 on Saturdays. Organised by the I.K. Inha commemorative committee. Free entrance.
In the wake of terns on 14th April, 18.00 in the Virrat Town Council Hall
Nature reporter Veikko Neuvonen, M.Sc., discusses I.K. Inha as a landscape photographer in Padasjoki and Päijänne. Organised by the Adult Education Centre of Virrat and the Nature Conservation Society of Virrat. Free entrance.
Helsinki in 1908 and today – travelling through time into I.K. Inha’s photographic scenes
Kontupiste Gallery, 13th May – 5th September
Briefing and opening ceremony in the Kontupiste Gallery on Tuesday the 12th of May, from 17.00 to 19.00. The exhibition is opened by museum director Elina Heikka from the Finnish Museum of Photography.
Kontupiste, Kontulatalo (Kontula shopping centre, Keinulaudankuja 4. Helsinki)
Researcher Eija Rauske, PhD, lectures on the architecture of Usko Nyström 7th June, 11.30 in the chapel by the new cemetery (Lakarintie 21).
The lecture is preceded by service in the chapel at 10 o’clock and coffee served in the yard. Organised by the Adult Education Centre of Virrat, the Town of Virrat Cultural Affairs and the Parish of Virrat. Free entrance.
The Finnish Museum of Photography, I.K. Inha: Helsinki 1908 12th June in Kaapelitehdas, Tallberginkatu 1 G
The Finnish Museum of Photography celebrates 2015 with an exhibition portraying I.K. Inha’s photography from summertime Helsinki in 1908. The exhibition is opened on the Helsinki day in 12 June.
Large format camera basic course in the spirit of I.K. Inha, 12th – 14th June in the Kamerataivas camera museum (Killinkosken Wanha tehdas, Inkantie 60).
Workshop type training led by Tapio Haapalahti, max. 6 attendees. Organised by the Finnish Photographic Historical Society.
Mandatory enrolment in advance: http://www.svhy.org/ There is a participation fee.
In the footsteps of Into Photographic Exhbition 19 June – 19 July in Kuvaamo Into photographic studio (Virtaintie 32)
Organised by Kuvaamo Into.
The basics of film photography with an eye on the I.K. Inha commemorative year
26th – 28th June in the Kamerataivas camera museum (Killinkosken Wanha tehdas, Inkantie 60).
Workshop type training led by Tapio Haapalahti, max. 6 attendees. Organised by the Finnish Photographic Historical Society.
Mandatory enrolment in advance: http://www.svhy.org/ There is a participation fee.
Photography in the way of I.K. Inha lecture on 26th June, 17.00 in the Kamerataivas camera museum (Killinkosken Wanha tehdas, Inkantie 60).
Organised by the Finnish Photographic Historical Society and Killinkoski Village Association. Free entrance.
From the Songlands and The Home Village Exhibition 1st July – 14th August in Jukola, the Jäähdyspohja village house (Jäähdyspohjantie 58).
I.K. Inha’s photographs from Jäähdyspohja and Viena Karelia are on display.
Open from Monday to Friday, 12.00 – 15.00, or outside these hours by reservation via the following phone number: 050 436 6996.
Organised by Jäähdyspohja Village Association. Free entrance.
Unveiling the I.K. Inha memorial 5th July, 12.00 by the Toriseva ravine lakes (Torisevajärvientie 493).
Organised by the I.K. Inha commemorative committee. Free entrance.
Kalevalan laulumailta (From the Songlands of Kalevala) Publication Party Sunday 5th July, 12.00 by the Toriseva ravine lakes
Juminkeko joins the celebrators of Inha’s 150th anniversary by publishing a new edition of the classic Kalevalan laulumailta (From the Songlands of Kalevala). It is published in Inha’s home village, in the Toriseva Café on Sunday on the 5th of July after the unveiling of the memorial.
Organised by the I.K. Inha commemorative committee and Juminkeko Foundation. Free entrance.
I.K. Inha Commemorative Trip – a trip to Jäähdyspohja, Inha’s home village on the 12th of July
Departure at about 11.00 from the church square. Organised by the Virrat Association. Booking required in advance via the following phone number: 050 531 8125. There is a participation fee.
Happy anniversary year! To Into from Janne. 12th July, 15.00 in Jukola, the Jäähdyspohja village house (Jäähdyspohjantie 58).
A Sibelius matinée that is a part of the KesäVirrat Soi! concert series.
Organised by the Virrat Musical Association.
Reservations via the following phone number: 050 531 8125. There is an entrance fee.
A bicycle trip to Jalassaari, Lohja – on the trail of I.K. Inha, on Wednesday 15th July, 10.00 – 13.00
A chance to see Inha’s residence in Kivessalmi, where we will get to hear stories about Inha’s stay in Lohja. Afterwards we will cycle to visit sights photographed by Inha in Jalassaari.
Price 25 euros / person. Reservations via info@kiara.fi or via calling 040 134 3858.
Landscape and time – I.K. Inha and K.A. Ennola photographic exhibition, 10th November – 5th December 2015. In Galleria Virinä (Pääskyntie 4).
Open 12.00 – 18.00 from Tuesday to Friday, 10.00 – 16.00 on Saturdays. Organised by the I.K. Inha commemorative committee. Free entrance.
Photographer Kari Ennola, BA, lectures on I.K. Inha’s photographic journeys and photographic wholes 10th November, 18.00 in the Virrat Town Council Hall (Pääskyntie 4).
Organised by the I.K. Inha commemorative committee and the Adult Education Centre of Virrat. Free entrance.
An honorary visit to the I.K. Inha memorial 12th November, 14.00 by the Toriseva ravine lakes (Torisevajärvientie 493).
Organised by the I.K. Inha commemorative committee. Free entrance.
Anniversary soirée 14th November, 19.00 in Jukola, the Jäähdyspohja village house (Jäähdyspohjantie 58).
A soiree with entertainment. Organised by the I.K. Inha commemorative committee and the Jäähdyskylä Theatre Association. There is an entrance fee. The event has been cancelled.
I. K. Inha
Lähetyssaarnaaja (The Missionary)
Kertomus Etelämeren saarelta (A tale from an island in the South Sea)
written in 1884
For a price of 28 € + delivery costs.
Preorder by 30th October 2015
for 20 € + 6 € delivery costs
The Finnish Museum of Photography: Anniversary year lecture 12th November, 18.00
Researchers Jukka Kukkonen and Kati Lintonen discuss Inha and his photography.
Landscape and time – I.K. Inha and K.A. Ennola
The exhibition opens on Tuesday 10th November, 17.00.
A photographic exhibition from 10th November to 5th December 2015 in Galleria Virinä (Pääskyntie 4)
Photographer, BA Kari Ennola lectures on
I.K. Inha's photographic journeys and photographic wholes
10th November, 18.00 in the Virrat Town Council Hall
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